Asociace debatních klubů
Czech Debate Association
The Czech Debate Association (Asociace debatních klubů, ADK) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit civic association. It has been established with the aim of promotion of spiritual values, humanitarian goals and advancement of education and culture in the Czech Republic. In the spheres of education, attainments and social the association helps in active self-education. In its activities the ADK is backed by Sir Popper's idea of building-up of the open society, that being mainly characterised by freedom and responsibility, democracy and peace.
The aim of the ADK is to - through the medium of entertaining competitive debates - educate young people in the Czech Republic and to lead them is such a way that K. Popper's ideals would become their norm in building up both their own personalities and the whole society as well.
- Senovážné náměstí 24, 110 00, Nové Město, Praha, CZ
- +420 725992360
- https://debatovani.cz/en/
- info@debatovani.cz