With New Global Learning, IDEA will introduce interdisciplinary learning through debate in clubs

One of the strengths of debate education is its ability to help students understand and get excited about current affairs. One of the challenges of debate trainers is that students want to know everything for everything. Using the concept of Global Learning, a consortium lead by Polska Debatuje and supported by IDEA will strengthen the knowledge of debate trainers and improve the quality of debate clubs.

Polska Debatuje and IDEA will be joined by ADK (Czechia) and Learning Wizard (Croatia), to test the methods in different countries and build an online platform. 

Together with a set of youth worker training modules and a toolkit this e-learning platform will help debate coaches across the IDEA network. Training programs throughout the project will be an important further step. They will also provide valuable feedback on the project.

This project has been made possible by a grant from Erasmus+.

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