Centar za kulturu dijaloga
Centre of Cultivating Dialogue (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
The debate program was founded in 1997 and was implemented within the Open Society Fund – SOROS BiH, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit program for high school students and teachers from all parts of BiH. At the time it was one of the youngest programs in the network of debate programs and is now a member of International Debate Education Organization (IDEA). In January 2005 the Debate Program evolved into the Centre of Cultivating Dialogue, a non-governmental organization, thus expanding its mission and goals. Since 2010 CCD is a member of World Debate Organization for „World School“ debate format (WSDC), NGO Council, Justice Network in BiH. Since 2011 it is a member of WIFI (World Intercultural Facility for Innovation) and has signed an“Agreement on cooperation between the Government of Sarajevo Canton and NGO sector in Sarajevo Canton” and “Agreement between the City of Sarajevo and civil society organizations of the City of Sarajevo”. In May 2010, during 7th public debate on juvenile delinquency, CCD reached an Agreement on mutual continuous reporting with aim to establish transparency of work of all engaged sectors and open dialogue between them in solving the problem of juvenile delinquency. Centre of Cultivating Dialogue has organized 12 public debates on this topic, and showed that debate and culture of dialogue are not only theoretical skills, but that they can help through its practical application in solving severe social problems, such as juvenile delinquency.
In 19 years of its existence and work CCD has continuously reached out and cooperated with, fore mostly BiH youth, driven by the fact that Bosnian society can become a truly democratic one only if young people are given the opportunity to develop their skills, overcome obstacles and prejudices set before them by society, and start communicating with their peers around the world.
It is CCD's stance that the entire Bosnian society is hindered, its progress arrested by ceaseless conflicts, but at the same time by investing substantially in its youngest generations as the bearers of progress BiH can advance on its course of European integration. Therefore, CCD focuses all of its activities towards the youth as its target group.
Due to a multitude of artificial divisions the young face growing up in BiH, since their earliest years, they have developed extensive prejudice towards the other and the different. Simultaneously, due to a paucity of systematic and continuous activities pursuing the solution to this problem, these malformed convictions become a widely accepted form of thought.
- Ferde Hauptmana 24, 71 000, Sarajevo, BA
- +387 61 926 389
- sanja.vlaisavljevic@ckdbih.com, nadina.balagic@ckdbih.com