Disinformation Workshop attended by reps from 12 countries
Members of our DEUS consortium gathered for an workshop centered on disinformation strategies and Eurosceptic narratives prevalent among younger EU citizens.
The extensive research findings shared revealed that these perspectives largely stem from misunderstandings and misrepresentations of the EU's core values, including issues around sovereignty, economic burden sharing, and allegations of inefficiencies in sustainability and immigration policy handling.
Through careful analysis and discussion, we uncovered the efficacy of fact-based examples that highlight the positive impact of the EU. These clear illustrations serve to counterbalance misleading narratives, emphasising the real-world benefits that the EU provides to its member nations.
A notable shift in approach is our move towards a "depolarizing framing" narrative. This method aims not to bluntly confront but subtly deescalate the cognitive conflict surrounding EU misconceptions. In line with this, we've decided to avoid the term 'Eurosceptic,' choosing instead to frame our upcoming initiatives as 'active listening' or 'depolarization' workshops. This approach is all about reducing division and promoting understanding through real-world examples that demonstrate the inaccuracies of sceptic arguments.
The workshop culminated in the introduction of an exciting educational intervention: a comprehensive 'Train the Trainer' program. This initiative focuses on equipping trainers within our consortium network with the necessary tools to disseminate these depolarizing narratives effectively, while also encouraging them to adapt the content to their local contexts for maximum impact.
This shared understanding and consensus mark a significant leap forward for our project, with all attendees eagerly looking forward to implementing these strategies in the new school year. Stay tuned for more updates on our follow-up WP 2 program and upcoming events, like the event in Bratislava. Together, we're taking confident steps towards countering disinformation and fostering a greater understanding of the EU's core values.
The project is co-funded through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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