This House would criminalise the payment of ransoms

This House would criminalise the payment of ransoms

The crime of "kidnap" involves the capture and imprisonment of an individual with a subsequent demand for payment to secure their release. As such, it is a 'serious violation of the most elementary right of mankind: the right to a dignified existence'1 Payment is usually demanded from relatives, but sometimes rich individuals are kidnapped in order to make them provide access to their bank details. Occasionally a ransom is demanded from the victim's government. Cases of ransom are particularly common in Central and South America, as well as in post-conflict situations such as those in the Middle East. The motive behind ransom is always financial in some respect (hence the difference to hostage-taking) but ideological motives may also affect the desire for money and the nature of the victim. In South America, much of the motivation for kidnapping is to finance hostilities in the region1Cases of ransom are rarer in Europe and the US, but are often very high profile when they occur. In recent years pirates operating from lawless Somalia have captured whole ships with their crews, demanding large ransoms before both the vessels and the sailors are released.

1 Colombia/English Colombia/Eng brochure_Opmaak 1.pdf

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