Young people gather for Benelux Debating Competition in Eindhoven

Young people gather for Benelux Debating Competition in Eindhoven

123 students from all over The Netherlands and Belgium gathered for the second leg of the annual returning Benelux DebatCompetitie (BDC). By the end of the day the Stedelijk Gymnasium Hilversum and Haarlemmermeer Lyceum topped respectively the Lagerhuis and Hogerhuis categories. Tijske from Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap in Bilthoven was the best speaker in the Lagerhuis category. The best speaker award for the Hogerhuis category was shared by Bram from Haarlemmermeer Lyceum and Karlijn from het Kalsbeek College in Woerden.

The BDC is a debate event that helps students attain 21st century skills such as critical thinking, language ability, and teamwork. It attracts the most students in the low countries (Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg) of all such events annually. The BDC is organised by IDEA's partner Debatunie.


The full results can be found here. Pictures of the events are also available.


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