Voice of Vocation
The Voice of Vocation (VoV) aims to enhance vocational education (VET) by equipping teachers with debate-based methods that support the development of soft skills and active citizenship in students. The project will be implemented in close collaboration with teachers to ensure the development of soft-skills for their students.
A goal of theproject is to create accessible resources for VET teachers, enabling them to foster skills in communication, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. By supporting teachers in these areas, the project addresses identified needs within European VET to enhance employability, social inclusion, and student resilience.
VoV will involve teachers and students in collaborative sessions to develop, refine, and test debate-based teaching materials. This includes a methodological guide, implementation toolkit, and e-learning courses tailored to VET needs. The project’s results will be shared widely through dissemination efforts to ensure impact and applicability across diverse educational settings. Additionally, VoV aims to directly train 32 VET teachers and reach over 300 educators in total, increasing the capacity for debate-based education across Europe.
The Voice of Vocation project brings together eight partners from five countries, each with various experiences in VET and debate education.
Associazione Società Nazionale Debate Italia; Berufliches Schulzentrum Bietigheim-Bissingen; Ekonomsko trgovinska škola; IISS Pietro Sette; INTERNATIONAL DEBATE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION; Otvorena Komunikacija; Škola za cestovni promet and Croatian Debate Society as the leading organization.
The Voice of Vocation carries out its objectives through five primary work packages. Project Management ensures the smooth and efficient execution of all activities. A methodological guide is being developed to provide VET schools with structured approaches to integrating debate-based teaching. An implementation toolkit will be created to include lesson plans and exercises specifically designed for vocational education needs. Additionally, e-learning courses are being developed to support VET teachers in adopting debate-based methods independently. Finally, dissemination and visibility activities will ensure that the project’s resources and results reach a wide audience.
Main goals of the projects aim to produce several tangible results, including a detailed methodological guide for using debate in VET, an implementation toolkit containing practical lesson plans and exercises, and a set of e-learning courses for self-paced teacher training. Expected outcomes include the direct training of 32 VET teachers in utilizing these resources, the collection and application of feedback from both teachers and students to fine-tune materials, and the dissemination of these resources to over 300 educators, expanding the project’s reach and impact.
Empowering teachers to foster soft skills, such as critical thinking and communication, is crucial for raising young people and helping them to navigate in today´s world. It also fosters greater participation in European society. Integrating debate-based methods provides for students valuable skills and supports a culture of informed and engaged citizenship. Accessible materials and targeted training for teachers further ensure that these benefits will have a lasting, positive impact on vocational education.
The VoV project is funded through the Erasmus+ grant by the European union.