This House would elect the UN Secretary General
Currently, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is appointed by the General Assembly upon nomination by the Security Council (SC). This means the appointment is therefore subject to the veto of its five permanent (P5) members: Russia, China, The United States, The United Kingdom and France. An accepted practice of regional rotation has also been adopted in the selection of candidates. These procedures occur largely behind closed doors and, critics claim, fall far short of other international high-level public sector appointment procedures established to ensure qualified appointments. The same critics claim that reforms need to be implemented to the selection process in order to raise the level of transparency, accountability and democracy within the institution. One such radical reform could be the election of the Secretary-General through popular vote - i.e. the vote of individual citizens of its 192 member states.
Possible practical proposal:
It would be difficult for a government to argue for a mechanism of popular vote in the 192 member states (the EU parliament is difficult enough to elect with only 27 member states – but it can be used as a basic model). However, it is much easier to maintain that the Secretary General should be elected by popular vote of the delegates in the UN General Assembly (i.e. by people who have entrusted with the power to represent the interests of their citizens).
A Canadian paper from 2006
1. The selection should be "anchored in agreed criteria/qualifications".
2. A "search committee should be asked to identify potential candidates".
3. There should be opportunities for candidates to meet with all Members of the General Assembly—perhaps through regional group meetings.
4. The Presidents of the General Assembly and the Security Council should organize some informal events, under their joint auspices to permit an "exploration of the perspectives and positions of the candidates".”[i]
India called for the UNSC to propose 3 candidates to the General Assembly, instead of one.[ii]
Possible alternative motions:
Should the Secretary-General of the United Nations be elected through the direct vote of the citizens of member states?
This house would reform UN Secretary-General elections
This house believes the Security Council should not play a role in the election of the Secretary-General
This house would directly elect the UN Secretary-General
This house would elect the UN Secretary-General by popular vote
This house believes that the election of the Secretary-General should not be subject to the veto of the permanent five
http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/site/c.glKWLeMTIsG/b.1807393/k.1D24/Special_Research_ReportBRSecond_Report_on_the_Appointment_of_the_UN_SecretaryGeneralBR21_June_2006.htm#devel Accessed on 22.08.2011
Charlemagne, ‘The pity of Herman Van Rompuy’, 7 November 2009, http://www.economist.com/blogs/charlemagne/2009/11/_normal_0_false_false_4, accessed 26 September 2011
Hoge, Warren, ‘South Korean Favored to Win Top Job at U.N.’, 29 September 2006, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/29/world/29nations.html, accessed 26 September 2011
United Nations, ‘Special Research Report: Second Report on the Appointment of the UN Secretary-General’ 21 June 2006, http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/site/c.glKWLeMTIsG/b.1807393/k.1D24/Special_Research_ReportBRSecond_Report_on_the_Appointment_of_the_UN_SecretaryGeneralBR21_June_2006.htm#devel Accessed on 22 August 2011
United Nations, ‘Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’, http://www.un.org/sg/sgrole.shtml, accessed 26 September 2011
United Nations Department of Public Information, ‘First United Nations Emergency Force UNEF I (November 1956 – June 1967)’, un.org, 2003, http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/past/unefi.htm, 26 September 2011
UNSC.org, ‘Selecting the UN Secretary’, http://www.unsg.org/role.html#reform Accessed on 22 August 2011
Wikipedia, ‘Secretary-General of the United Nations’, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary-General_of_the_United_Nations, accessed 26 September 2011
Williams “California Popular Vote Bill” Huffington Post 08.08.2011 Accessed on 02.09. 2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/08/california-popular-vote-bill-jerry-brown_n_921676.html, accessed 22 August 2011
Zissis, Carin and Vriens, Lauren, ‘The Role of the UN Secretary-General’, 21 September 2011, http://www.cfr.org/un/role-un-secretary-general/p12348#p4, accessed 26 September 2011
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