Statement on the unjustifiable attack on Ukraine

Statement on the unjustifiable attack on Ukraine

Last weeked IDEA's Ukranian Member 'New Vision' was busy doing what it does best - hosting a debate tournament to provide young people the learn and grow.  You can see the enthusiasm and energy of the young debaters here.

And now Ukraine is being invaded and attacked by Russia in an utterly unjustified, unprovoked attack. One can speculate many reasons for this but it is clear that Putin cannot countenance the idea that Ukraine, once a member of the USSR, and its 44 million people could be allowed to determine their own course.

IDEA itself grew out of the fall of the USSR and we refuse to watch history repeat itself. We want peace. The chance for young people to develop and learn and create, to be able to develop their ideas and run with them. That is why we do what we do. 

In the words of Olena Zyma, Executrive Director of New Vision, from just this morning:   

   We are aware of all the risks that currently exist. We are currently implementing the project "Citizens of the Future" and we held a debate tournament Dnipro Open for the junior league last weekend. It also supported and united us a lot. We believe in the future, an independent Ukraine, justice and the value of life. We are ready to protect our homes, our children and relatives. Our New Vision logo is the whole territory of Ukraine, and we believe that we and all our partners will help us defend our state sovereignty. I will pass on your supporting to our entire debate community."


If you want to support Ukraine financially or otherwise, here are some recommended activities.


We stand with Ukraine,


Bojan, Executive Director, Croatia

IDEA Board of Directors 

Aaron, United States of America

Gedmine, Lithuania

Raminta, Lithuania

Miha, Slovenia

Elena, North Macedonia /The Netherlands 

Sharmila, Philippines


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