Several IDEA network events available in 2023
We are excited to announce the first of the IDEA and member-hosted events supported by Erasmus+, a series of educational, exchange and planning events taking place in 2023.
Building on the conclusions from our yearly networking events for debate organisation staff and volunteers held in 2021 and 2022, we have several events matching our community needs lined up for 2023. These events are here to provide opportunities for professional development and networking for our volunteers and staff, and make debate education more accessible to young people. At the moment, we are in the process of assessing the interest of our member organisations in sending participants to each of the events through a from received by the members’ contact persons.
Each of the events is targeted towards a specific participant group. Overall, the events we currently have planned cover participation by high school students, coaches, adjudicators, and administrative staff or volunteers.
IDEA is a recipient of the Erasmus+ accreditation in the field of youth, ensuring support for participants in these cross-border events. For more information on the accreditation process and applications, please consult the latest Erasmus+ Programme Guide and guidelines provided by your National Agency.
APRIL 2023: European Schools Debating Championships planning meeting - Croatia
Target participants: administrative or executive staff, debate coaches; up to 2 per organisation
Tentative dates: April 26th to 29th
This event is planned following the resounding interest of the member representatives present at the 2022 Youth Forum. This is not a training event and is instead a meeting for discussions around the prospective European Schools Debating Championships (ESDC). The event is envisioned as a working meeting, lasting two full days with additional travel and departure days. The outcome of the meeting should be the format, dates, hosting procedures and rules for ESDC.
MAY 2023: A training event for debate coaches - The Netherlands
Target participants: debate coaches (teachers and volunteers); up to 3 per organisation
Tentative dates: May 15th to 21st
The event will focus on developing debate training skills combined with a non-formal education approach. It will also contain a sub-track during which we will establish quality standards and content for the IDEA Youth Forum. Ideally, at least one coach per organisation who will also be at the Youth Forum in Prague will be in attendance.
JULY 2023: IDEA Youth Forum 2023 - Czechia
Target participants: 3 to 5 high school students accompanied by 1 to 2 coaches/adjudicators per organisation
Tentative dates: July 5th to 11th
This year's Youth Forum is taking place in Prague in the run up to the annual international Prague Debate Spring (Summer) tournament. This is, unlike in 2021 and 2022, NOT the adult trainer event. As of 2023, the Youth Forum is again becoming an training/debate event for high school debaters. The networking event for adults will continue as IDEA Debate Exchange.
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023: IDEA Debate Exchange - Slovakia (TBC)
Target participants: organisation staff and/or volunteers; up to 2 to 4 per organisation
Tentative dates: August 28th to September 3rd
The format we had on the Youth Forums in 2021 and 2022 will now take place under the banner of the IDEA Debate Exchange. This event will focus on exchanging debate practices, innovations, capacity building and general networking. All will happen under the open space format, which proved successful in Zagreb and Ljubljana events. The event will include the annual IDEA General Assembly. Please keep in mind that, while the event in general is open to any personnel nominated by their sending organisation, the GA should be attended by senior staff if possible.
Please note that this is not the complete list of events happening in 2023 and that we will keep updating this space if new opportunities arise. Further, we invite IDEA members interested in co-hosting community events to get in touch. If you are interested in having your organisation join the network, please find more information on becoming a member here.
Thank you for your continued work in the debate community - we look forward to seeing you in 2023.
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