Innovating debate at WSDC
On the first day of WSDC 2022 we introduced new debate tools developed through Innovate debate project to the global debate community.
During the first day of the WSDC 2022 official program, as we were opening the tournament, we took the opportunity and presented to the global debate community results of Innovate debate project. We have been a proud partner of IDAC project since 2019 and were developing digital tools for the support and expansion of debate programs.
A consortium of IDEA member organisations led by the Croatian debate society developed a curriculum for debate-based education and youth work, supporting documentation and online platforms that will help educators expand the reach of debate methodology.
Both printed and online materials are built through an open platform available for translation and deployment by any educational and youth non-profit. The promotion at WSDC focused on the ease of localisation for this content, and we are already starting conversations with debate communities from African and South American countries about adaptation of materials
We want to thank the WSDC community for taking the time to work with us, listen to us, and support our mission!
Whether you want to learn more about debating or use debate-based methods in teaching, Learningbase is the place for you. Educators, teachers, and coaches can use Learningbse to support their students’ development. Individuals can use it to learn about debate and develop critical thinking, public speaking, and advocacy skills. Our modular approach ensures that you can modify the content to your needs and participate in all or some of the courses.
Visti at http://learningbase.idebate.net
Resourcebase is developed as an online educational resource designed to help you reach debate materials for education and support your debate-based youth work.
You can search through materials by topics, type of activity, the curriculum you would like to use, age, and experience of the young people you are working on. These features will guide you to the best possible combination of resources we can recommend for you to use in your debate-based youth work.
Visti at http://resourebase.idebate.net
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