IDEA Debate Exchange - Bratislava 2023
A unique event for debate experts, from organisational staff to coaches and adjudicators, the IDEA Debate Exchange provides the opportunity for networking, exchange of knowledge, and skill development.
Target participants: organisation staff and/or volunteers; 2-4 per organisation
Eligibility: all Debate Exchange participants need to be of age (18 and over) and have had completed secondary-level education by the event arrival day
IDEA Debate Exchange, previously held as the IDEA Youth Forum in 2021 and 2022, is an event for debate organisation staffers, coaches, and/or adjudicators. The event is envisioned to bring together staffers and volunteers interested in supporting and developing their local debate programmes in the long term.
This event will focus on exchanging debate practices, innovations, capacity building, and general networking. Previously, the event included two training tracks - one for organisational staff focusing on fundraising options, grant application writing, project management, capacity building, and event and activity organisation, and another for debate coaches and judges focusing on non-formal teaching skills, key debate concepts, and debate club management. Debate Exchange also uses the open space format, with event participants suggesting and taking up different topics for discussions and workshops. In the run up to the event, participants with specific material to share are asked to register for workshop delivery. This year's debate exchange will also feature a dedicated track or ToT for those who want to learn more about using debate methodology as tool for fighting polarisation and populist narratives for IDEA mebmers who are part of project DEUS.
The event dates are tentative. At the moment, IDEA is in the process of collecting expressions of interest in participation through member organisations' contact persons. Registration will be conducted through member organisations. More information will be published as soon as it is available.