EUJS Delegation to Auschwitz: Bridging Memory to Action

EUJS Delegation to Auschwitz: Bridging Memory to Action

The European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) led a delegation of 31 young people from 16 countries to Auschwitz as part of its "Bridging Memory to Action" programme, marking the 80th Anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Liberation. We had the opportunity to be part of this delegation, experience the emotions, and engage in discussions with other youth organisations.

If we held a minute of silence for each victim of the Holocaust, we would remain silent for over 11 years. This is haunting reminder of the scale of the Holocaust. As our goal is to promote critical thinking, it is also essential to process this history emotionally and intellectually. That is why we gratefully accepted the invitation to join the programme in Kraków and Auschwitz.

During the three day event, we had a chance to listen the story of Zofia Radzikowska, a Holocaust survivor, and reflect on the final messages from the victims extermination camps, based on Yad Vashem's "These Are My Last Words" collection. The following visit to Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau provided a deeper understanding of the scale of Nazi atrocities. On the last day, we visited Kazimierz, Kraków’s historic Jewish Quarter, where we had the chance to feel the preserved remains of segregation and hear stories from the ghetto era.


This programme was not only about remembering, it was about ensuring that history does not repeat itself. Now, more than ever, it is vital to fight against discrimination, genocide, and intolerance. One way to do this is by teaching students how to debate and encouraging them to promote tolerance and critical thinking. Another is by preserving Holocaust memory for future generations. Neither is more important than the other, but together, they are more crucial than ever before.


We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of the delegation and hope that history will never repeat itself.


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